iMORDECAI: 30th Annual Festival of Jewish Film
A holocaust survivor born and raised in a different time must now face the realities of the modern world.
Directed by Marvin Samel · 2022 · United States · English · 102 Minutes
Includes a conversation with actor Nick Puga, followed by a champagne and dessert reception with klezmer music by Bagels & Fraylox
Tickets: $25, Limited seating, pre-purchase strongly suggested.
A heart-warming movie based on a true story, iMordecai stars Academy Award-nominated and two-time Emmy-winning actor Judd Hirsch (star of the Emmy-winning sitcom Taxi, and films Ordinary People and Independence Day) as Mordecai Samels and Academy Award-nominated actress Carol Kane (Hester Street) as his wife, Fela, both Polish Holocaust survivors now living in Miami. Their son, Marvin (Academy Award-nominated actor Sean Astin, The Lord of the Rings), is an ambitious cigar maker trying to support his own family while still being there for his aging parents.
When Mordecai’s ancient flip phone breaks, he starts to take lessons from Nina (newcomer Azia Dinea Hale), a young employee of Ultratech. She tutors Mordecai on his new iPhone, opening him up to all kinds of novel experiences and adventures, which makes him feel like a kid again. An uplifting comedy and a love letter to the city of Miami, iMordecai urges us all to live the one life we have to the fullest.
Presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg